This week’s video describes SOFIA, an observation tower with a difference. Find out more by watching the video.
Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.
Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+
- How old is this jet used by NASA?
- Why is there a hole in the fuselage?
- What does SOFIA stand for?
- Why did some people think that the project was crazy?
- How is the Hubble telescope different to SOFIA?
- How is SOFIA flexible?
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Have a great weekend!
Climb Aboard a Boeing 747 That NASA Turned Into the World’s Biggest Flying Telescope | WIRED
To get the best space observations possible, NASA scientists fly around the world in a highly modified 747 carrying a giant telescope. Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 ABOUT WIRED WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Through thought-provoking stories and videos, WIRED explores the future of business, innovation, and culture.