Video: ‘Farnborough 2016 – day 4’

Fly High English - Video

This week’s video reports on everything Farnborough related from a Boeing perspective. Don’t forget to follow along with the public show starting tomorrow!

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

  1. What was special about the 727 on display?
  2. What is it used for nowadays?
  3. How does that process work?
  4. Boeing had a great week in relation to which aspect of its business?
  5. What did the MoD buy at the airshow?

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Have a great weekend!

Farnborough 2016 Day 4: Air Show Report – Boeing celebrates Centennial with Successful Farnborough

As the business side of the air show gives way to the public flying display for the weekend, Boeing celebrates its Centennial with a successful and memorable show