Here are the answers to last Friday’s video, enjoy!
Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+
- The first tip is to avoid buying a cheap bag.
- It should be just the right size to fit next to you in the cockpit.
- You should always have all of the necessary IDs and documents required by your company.
- With a metal clipboard you’d need to open you bag when you go through security, delaying you.
- You should pack earplugs or some other ear protection for the walk around so that your hands can be free and your ears protected.
- Some disinfectant wipes (disinfecting swipes) are necessary for good hygiene, they can prevent you from picking up bacteria and getting sick.
- It’s a good idea because it’s an item that can last a long time.
- Extra batteries should be kept for your headset or flashlight.
- They’re a bad idea because with constant pressure changes, a cheap one will stop working properly.
- While technically the book isn’t necessary, some record of your flight hours is necessary in case of an inspection.
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