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Structure: ‘Conjugating the present simple’

How to conjugate the present simple

There is a way to conjugate all of our normal verbs and a different way for the verb ‘be’, which is irregular.

Conjugating normal verbs

Normal verbs have two forms in the present simple.

  • I / you / we / they fly
  • he / she / it flies

Tip: The ‘he / she / it’ form in the present simple positive is always different and usually has an ‘s’ at the end.

  • I / you / we / they work
  • he / she / it works

Conjugating normal verbs in negatives

To conjugate normal verb in the present simple negative we need to use the auxiliary verb ‘do’. Think of an auxiliary verb as an extra verb we use for certain things. In this situation we use ‘do’ to indicate a negative and a question.

  • I / you / we / they don’t work…
  • he / she / it doesn’t work…
    • (we use ‘do’ in the correct form and ‘work’ as an infinitive without ‘to’.

Conjugating normal verbs as questions

Again we need to use the auxiliary verb ‘do’. Because this isn’t a negative we don’t use a negative form. Also be careful with the position of the verb do. We use it before the subject (I / you / we / they / he / she / it)

  • Do I / you / we / they work…?
  • Does he / she / it work…?

Conjugating the verb ‘be’

The verb ‘be’ is very common but it is different than our normal verbs when we conjugate it.

  • I am
  • You are
  • He / she / it is
  • We / you / they are

Conjugating the verb ‘be’ in negatives

  • I’m not
  • You aren’t
  • He / she / it isn’t
  • We / you / they aren’t

Conjugating the verb ‘be’ as questions

To conjugate the verb ‘be’ as a question we change the order of a positive statement.

  • Am I…?
  • Are you…?
  • Is he / she / it…?
  • Are we / you / they…?

Look at our diagram below for a summary and then practice some more sentences yourself.

Diagram showing how to conjugating the present simple.
Conjugating the present simple.

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Structure: ‘Present continuous’

Using the present continuous

Form: subject + ‘be’ (in the present) + verb-ing (You are reading… He is living etc…)

Use: To talk about something in progress now, around now or something temporary.

eg You’re (you are) reading English (now). (something in progress now)

eg I’m reading a good book about the history of aviation. (perhaps not at this moment but around now)

eg He’s living close to the airport. (suggests a temporary action)

Advanced Use: We can use the present continuous to talk about organised future plans.

eg I’m flying on Sunday. (organised future plan – it’s organised by the airline)

eg I’m eating in that new restaurant tomorrow night. (you have a reservation so it’s organised)

Tip: For future plans we can also use ‘will‘ and ‘going to‘ so be sure you know the difference between these thee ways to talk about future plans.

Check the diagram below for its form and two situations when we need to use it.

Diagram of the form and use of the present continuous.
The form and use of the present continuous.

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Structure: ‘phrasal verbs 4’

Fly High English - Structure

This time in our structure help we continue to talk about phrasal verbs. Today we have more examples of phrasal verbs with ‘out’. As usual, check the meaning of the ones you don’t understand in a good learner’s dictionary.

Diagram of phrasal verbs with the particle 'out'.
Phrasal verbs 4.

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Structure: ‘phrasal verbs 3’

Fly High English - Structure

This time in our structure help we continue with phrasal verbs. We have some examples of phrasal verbs with ‘in’ and ‘out’. Also we talk about some of the common concepts associated with these particles which can help to give you an idea of the meaning of the phrasal verb without using a dictionary. Of course, if you don’t know what they mean even after reading about the key concepts, check a dictionary!

Diagram of phrasal verbs with the particles 'in' and 'out'.
Phrasal verbs 3.

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Structure: ‘phrasal verbs 2’

Fly High English - Structure

This time in our structure help we continue with phrasal verbs. This week we look at phrasal verbs with objects and the position of the object in the sentence. Check out the diagram below and try to write some more examples of your own.

Diagram of phrasal verbs with objects.
Phrasal verbs 2.

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Structure: ‘phrasal verbs 1’

Fly High English - Structure

This time in our structure help we introduce phrasal verbs. They’re formed from a verb and a particle (usually a preposition). e.g. get in.
Look at the diagram below to learn more about phrasal verbs and try to think of some more that you know.

Diagram of phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verbs 1.

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