Structure: ‘Modals 4’

Modals related to ability, permission, prohibition and obligation

We talked previously about how our modal verbs related to probability. Next we look at specific meanings to each of our modal verbs. Follow the examples and write some of your own to practice.


– Can you fly a multiengine plane?
– I could fly a glider when I was 17.


– Can we use runway 11 to land?
– The controller said that they could begin their startup.
– You may use the lavatory when the seatbelt sign is switched off.
– Might I switch seats? This one doesn’t recline.


– You can’t sit in the emergency exit seat with a baby.
– They told us that we couldn’t board the plane first.
– You may not bring liquids of more than 100ml on the flight.
– You shouldn’t drink a lot of alcohol on a flight.
– You mustn’t smoke on a flight.


– He should review the weather charts before the flight.
– Passengers must sit in their assigned seats.

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Structure: ‘can & could 4’

Can & could for prohibition

In this final post about ‘can’ and ‘could’ we look at using them to say that something is prohibited / isn’t allowed. This can be done in the present with can, and the past with could. Have a look at the diagram for more information and as usual, write some of your own example for practice!

Diagram of how to use can & could to say that something isn't allowed.
How to use can & could to say that something isn’t allowed.

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