This time in our structure help we talk about the future continuous. Let’s look at an example;
Two hours from now we will be flying over the ocean.
will be flying is the future continuous.
Let’s look at how to create the structure;
will/won’t be + verb-ing
This structure is used to talk about something which will be in progress at a future time.
Let’s look at another example.
I can’t call you at 2am, I will be sleeping.
This example again expresses the idea of an action in progress / happing at a time in the future (2am in this example).
All continuous tenses relate to actions in progress.
For example;
I was reading a manual when the captain arrived. (past continuous)
He is making a speech to the passengers. (present continuous)
They will be sleeping in an hour. (future continuous)
All of these tenses express the idea of something in progress at a specific time, in the past, the present or the future.
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