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Air Force One upgrade answers

Here are the answers to last Friday’s video, enjoy!

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

1. It must be a wide-body, four-engine commercial aircraft.
2. No.
3. Shields against the electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear attack and anti-missile systems.
4. A modified Boeing 707.
5. Full in-flight broadcast capabilities, sleeping quarters, a shower, an airborne oval office and an emergency room.
6. In seven years (although it may be delayed).

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Air Force One upgrade

Here’s an interesting video about the update to Air Force One, the plane that the President of USA uses to fly around the world.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

1. What are the requirements for the new Air Force One?
2. Will it have an escape pod?
3. What defensive capabilities does it currently have?
4. What model of aircraft was the previous Air Force One?
5. What features will the new Air Force One have?
6. When will it be delivered?

Suggested ICAO level: 5+

Have a great weekend!!