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MH370 – One year later

Following our theme this week, here’s a video that describes what we know, and don’t know about what happened to MH370.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

Have a great weekend!!

  1. What does the narrator say are the functions of the autopilot?
  2. Does the autopilot make any turns by itself, without the direct input of a pilot?
  3. What are some of the theories about what happened to the plane?
  4. What does Captain Johnson think happened?
  5. If the autopilot reaches its final waypoint, what does it do?
  6. When will investigators know what really happened?

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One year later, what happened to MH370?

Could recreating MH370’s flight path uncover any clues as to why the plane disappeared one year ago? CNN’s Will Ripley takes a closer look.

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Here’s an interesting video about an alternative way to taxi to and from the runway.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 4+

Have a great weekend!!

  1. What state are the plane’s engines in while taxiing with Taxibot?
  2. What does the Taxibot help to reduce?
  3. What horsepower does the Taxibot have?
  4. Who is responsible for ‘driving’ the plane to the runway.
  5. What positive things does Rainer Frischkorn have to say about Taxibot?

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With TaxiBot, a diesel-electric aircraft tractor, #Lufthansa pilots can steer the aircraft on the ground from the cockpit.

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Boeing’s fuel cell technology

Here’s an interesting video that describes Boeing’s fuel cell technology.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

Have a great weekend!!

  1. What is the team testing?
  2. What is the energy from the solar panels used to do?
  3. How many hours of endurance does the fuel cell give the plane?
  4. How does Nieves describe fuel cells?
  5. What advantages do fuel cells have?
  6. What emissions do they produce during the testing?

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Boeing’s fuel cell technology is making sustainable flight closer to reality

Powering an aircraft could soon be a sustainable endeavor. Fuel cell technologies being explored by Boeing use a fusion of hydrogen and oxygen to help power aircraft electricity, produce heat, and provide clean water. Learn more at

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AA 787 test flight

Here’s a short video that describes American Airlines’ first 787 test flight.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

Have a great weekend!!

  1. What was the purpose of the flight?
  2. What does the flight involve?
  3. What do they check on the interior of the plane?
  4. How did the airplane perform during this test flight?
  5. How does the plane perform in general, according to David Hensley?

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Our First 787 Test Flight

We took our first Dreamliner through the paces. Get the behind-the-scenes scoop from its first test flight at Boeing’s Everett factory.

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Fatigue testing

Here’s an interesting video that describes Boeing’s fatigue testing program.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

Have a great weekend!!

  1. What does this testing do to a plane?
  2. How many years did the plane shown age in one year?
  3. What do the tests involve?
  4. What is the objective of Boeings customers?
  5. How many fatigue test programs are currently in operation.
  6. How can more than one fatigue program be of benefit?

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Boeing’s Flex Track technology

Here’s a video that describes Boeing’s 777 Flex Track technology. Watch to find out what it is.

Try to answer the following questions about the video and come back on Monday for the answers.

Suggested ICAO level for video: 5+

Have a great weekend!!

  1. How popular is the 777?
  2. What was the original maximum production rate for the 777?
  3. What is the current production rate?
  4. What is Flex Track?
  5. What advantages does it have over the previously manual method?
  6. What should the mechanics focus on while the Flex Track is in operation?

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Boeing’s 777 Flex Track: Robots on Track

Thanks to our automated drilling system, the Flex Track, we can manufacture the 777 in a safer, more efficient and more flexible way. Learn more about how Boeing innovates at